Muslim Culture In America
This link gives a description of the history of Muslims immigration to the United States which is documented from back to the 17th century arriving with slaves from Africa to the mid 1960's where many Muslim scholars and skilled professionals were able to immigrate to the U.S. because of the Immigration and Nationality Act that was passed in 1965. There were periods and waves since the 18th century where Muslims from all over the world immigrated to America, all the way to today. This website gives descriptions and answers simple questions about the everyday life of Muslims in America from historical periods to today.
This video that aired on PBS in 2014 talks about the life and culture of Muslims in America, predominately after the 9/11 attacks. In addition to the discrimination some have experienced, the video discusses the internal conflicts of balancing between adapting to American culture and continuing to stay true to their Islamic traditions, and shows the gap of generations and how their interactions with American society varies. It is a good video representation because it has primary sources and direct interviews and examples of people who are currently living as Muslims in America, whether they have been living there their whole life or newly immigrated.
This article written by an American Muslim Woman talks about the struggle that women of Muslim faith in America have with acceptance and fitting into both cultures they are at crossroads with. They want to be accepted within the Muslim community, specifically for orthodox women, by "proving" their faith and commitment with displays such as wearing the hijab. They also want to be accepted by the general American community by adapting to typical western lifestyle. Not only Muslim women in America, but men too, feel the need to conform to American culture while similtaneously keeping their Muslim identity and faith strong. That balace and clashes of cultures seems to be a very apparent theme to the lives of Muslims in America.
Wikipedia article with links to biographies of famous American Muslims throughout time from rappers to politicians and businessmen to writers.